Starting FedEx Air Shipments


DGIS meets the requirements for the FedEx FX-18 Operator Variation, which states that Shipper’s Declarations originating in the U.S. are to be prepared with a “FedEx approved vendor software application”. For more information about FX-18, please go here.

This article provides the beginning steps for creating a FedEx Air shipment within DGIS. For the steps of creating other shipments, please go to Starting a Shipment.


Log in at the DGIS login page with your username and password. We suggest that you bookmark this page.



When you first sign in, you'll be taken to the Home tab. This tab is designed to act as a portal with useful links. Express users will have the view below, with what's new and dangerous goods links for UPS, FedEx, ICAO and PHMSA, as well as links for the Labelmaster and Technical Support sites.

Business and Enterprise users will by default have a blank page here that they can customize. More information on this customization can be found in the article Customizing the Home Portal.

Click on the Shipping Papers tab to get started with a shipment.




On the top of this screen is where you will select which form type you are using. For FedEx Air, be sure to select the FedEx Air + Shipper’s Declaration form.



After selecting the FedEx Air form, you will be brought to the Current Shipment screen. Enter the Shipper and Consignee addresses and other pertinent information. The carrier field should always say FedEx when processing FedEx Air shipments.



 For help on Adding a material to your shipment, see our article Add a Material and Packaging


After Finishing your shipment, you will notice Labelmaster logo and verbiage regarding FedEx carrier variations printing on the form. This information meets the requirements stated in the FedEx FX-18 Operator Variation, mentioned at the beginning of this article, and must be on this form in order for FedEx to accept it.



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