Minimal Administration Required
The changes included in this release are estimated to have a potentially minimal impact on DGIS systems and DGIS administrator responsibilities. Actions required may vary depending on materials and regulations used within your DGIS system. Please see below for more details.
Any templates or parts that include UNIDs with changes in this document may need to be updated on April 29th with the revised materials.
DGIS Content
Update Highlights – This release will include regulatory updates to the DGLs, DGAs, Packing Instructions, Variations, and any other type of regulatory content for Q1 2019. Listed below are examples of key changes:
- 49CFR
- Updated the 49 CFR DGL and DGA per the PHMSA Interim Final Rule: Enhanced Safety Provisions for Lithium Batteries Transported by Aircraft published on March 6, 2019.
- This includes forbidding UN3480 via PAX and Special Provision updates.
- Updated the 49 CFR DGL and DGA per the PHMSA Interim Final Rule: Enhanced Safety Provisions for Lithium Batteries Transported by Aircraft published on March 6, 2019.
- Updated the English and French DGLs and DGAs to reflect the 2019 ADR regulations.
- Additions:
- UN3316 "Chemical kit" and "First aid kit" in English and "TROUSSE CHIMIQUE" or "TROUSSE DE PREMIERS SECOURS" in French, respectively, without a packing group have been added as options.
- UN3363 has had separate PSNs for "MACHINERY" AND APPARATUS" added in English and "DES MACHINES AND DES APPAREILS" French, respectively.
- UN3535 'Toxic solid, flammable, inorganic, n.o.s.' in English and "SOLIDE INORGANIQUE TOXIQUE, INFLAMMABLE, N.S.A." in French has been added with both PG I and II.
- UN3536 entries for 'Lithium batteries installed in cargo transport unit' in English and "BATTERIES AU LITHIUM INSTALLÉES DANS DES ENGINS DE TRANSPORT" in French have been added.
- UN3537-UN3548 entries for 'Articles containing...' in English and "OBJETS CONTENANT..." in French have been added.
- Proper shipping name changes:
- The PSN for UN2071 has been changed to "AMMONIUM NITRATE BASED FERTILIZER" in English and "ENGRAIS AU NITRATE D`AMMONIUM" in French.
- "STABILIZED" in English and "STABILISÉ" in French has been added to the end of the PSN for UN3302.
- The UN1202 entry with the PSN containing "complying with..." has replaced "EN 590:2013 + AC:2014” with “EN 590:2013 + A1:2017" in both English and French.
- The word 'risk' has been replaced by 'hazard' in many instances in the DGA.
- Special provision and packing instructions updates.
- Special provision and packing instruction updates.
- Emergency and spill response information updates.
- Updated DGAs to reflect the 2019 IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations 60th Edition. This brings the DGA in sync with the DGLs which were updated in the previous release.
- The word "risk" has been replaced by "hazard" in many instances in the DGA.
- Special provision and packing instruction updates within the DGA.
- State and carrier variation updates.
- ERG code updates.
- UPS Domestic
- UN3480 via PAX has been forbidden per the PHMSA Interim Final Rule: Enhanced Safety Provisions for Lithium Batteries Transported by Aircraft published March 6, 2019.
- Added PG II to UN1442.
- Increased maximum quantity per package for PAX to 30kg for UN3528.
- Permitted ground service to Canada for Organic Peroxides.
- Special provision updates.
- UPS International
- Increased maximum quantity per package for PAX to 30kg for UN3528.
- Special provision updates.
DGIS Functionality
Functionality improvements
- Added validation rules for new MP 24 restrictions.
- Updated the ADR Transport Categories validation/calculations per the changes in the 2019 ADR regulations.
- Enhancements to Packing Instruction validation for PI 620 and 958.
- Changes to verbiage of the emergency contact fields for shipments involving Canada to comply with state variation CAG-09.
- A warning message has been added to the regulations tab about the upcoming removal of the section. Please see Accessing the Dangerous Goods Advisor for other methods of viewing the regulations with DGIS.
Bug Fixes - While there are numerous bug fixes included in this release, a list of highlighted bug fixes can be found below:
- 49CFR
- Fixed several sections of the DGA which were missing sections of the regulatory text.
- Fixed issues where ADR forms were printing in the wrong language.
- Fixed issues with subrisks not printing on the CMR form.
- Several typos in the State and Carrier variations have been updated to match the text in the printed book exactly.
- Fixed validation issues with UN3316 allowing other materials in the same package.
- Fixed several typos and missing changes to the 2018 DGL and DGA.
- Fixed several sections of the DGA which were not updated in the previous release.
- UPS Domestic
- Fixed duplicate validation warnings for rule 5X-06.
- Miscelaneous Fixes
- Resolved issues where calling GenerateShippingPapers for IMO shipments via web services produced an error.
- Resolved issues where expired licenses were still providing access to applications.
- Fixes for several concurrent license issues.
- Resolved issues with improper net quantity calculations when shipments contained multiple identical packages.