Signing In and Using the Lithium Battery Advisor

This article provides an overview of how to access and use the Lithium Battery Advisor.

To activate your license for the Lithium Battery Advisor, please follow the same steps outlined in the "Activating Your License" article. Once you've activated your license, you can log in by following the steps below.


 Logging in to the Lithium Battery Advisor:

The website has login links for both DGIS and the LBA. You'll want to select the LBA login option: 

This will take you to the main login screen for the LBA. You can also access this directly at

Enter your username and password. You will then be logged into the Lithium Battery Advisor.


Once you have signed in, you will be taken to the End User Agreement. This page will appear every time you log in to the LBA.

Agree to the terms to proceed to the LBA.


Using the Lithium Battery Advisor:

Once you agree to the terms and conditions, you will simply follow along with the LBA, answering a series of questions.

Here are some examples of questions you should expect to answer using the LBA.

Answer the question[s] appropriately, then choose "next."

When you have completed the questions, you will be given a PDF to download with the shipment's requirements. 


Click "download" and you will be able to open the document using your PDF Reader.


Accessing the LBAs Menu:

In the right corner, you may notice a menu button (three lines). This menu has options to "Start Over" "Change Password" and "Sign out."



If you need to check your subscription information, edit your username or contact information, please visit and sign in with your LBA credentials. You can find directions for how to change your username and contact information in the article Managing Users.

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