Finishing Your Shipment

This article provides the steps to finish your shipment in DGIS. For the full steps to complete a shipment, see the following:

  1. Starting a Shipment
  2. Entering Shipment Information
  3. Adding Your Material and Packaging
  4. Finishing Your Shipment (current article)

After validating your package and materials, you will automatically be brought to the current shipment screen. Clicking Complete on the shipment screen tells the program to validate your entire shipment, including the information on the shipment screen.



After completing your shipment, you will be brought to the print shipment screen and your shipment will be listed under current shipments.



To print your shipment check the box under Select, next to your shipment, and then click on Print Selected. A confirmation dialogue will appear and ask if you would like to print the selected shipment. To print the shipment click Yes, or No to cancel printing the selected shipment.



After confirming to print the selected shipment, a print preview screen will pop up showing what your shipping paper will look like when it prints out. Some print preview screens will look slightly different depending on the web browser or pdf viewer you are using. The print preview screen pictured below is using the Google Chrome web browser.



After printing the shipment, a pop-up dialogue box will prompt you to confirm whether or not your shipment printed correctly. Clicking on Yes will move your shipment to History, which can be found on the left side of the page under Manage. From there it can be reprinted but not edited. Clicking on No will leave the shipment in the print shipments screen, which allows you to go back and edit your shipment by clicking on the pencil icon next to your shipment under Edit.




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