Customizing the Home Portal


For DGIS Business and Enterprise Customers the Portal Page, or "Home" tab,  is a customizable page where Administrators can add documents, links, or notes containing important information.

There are several tools that allow you to edit your Portal Page. Each section is called a Group and each Group can have individual Items. The Icons available for Groups are:

  • Document
  • Note
  • Link
  • Request
  • Folder
  • Star
  • Book
  • Shipment

Within each Group, you can add Items. Each Item can be a document, a link, or a note.


Adding a Group

To add a Group click on Add Group in the top right hand corner.


It will bring up the following screen:

You can give the Group a name, select what icon it will display, and set its location. The Group name will display as the header for that particular Group. The Icon shows what type of Group it is. To dictate whether it is on the left hand side or the right hand side select Left or Right under Panel. To determine what order it will display in, give it a number under Display Order. You can also set how many items can be displayed on the main page by entering a number under Number of Items to Display on Main Page. Click on Save to save this Group.


Adding an Item

To add an Item to a Group, click on the blue plus sign next to the Group you want to add the Item to.


That will bring up the following screen:

From here you can select what type of Item it is (link, document, or note) under Portal Item Type. The Item Type you select will change the options below it. You can give all Items a title, a description, and a display order (what order it is displayed in compared to the other Items in this Group). For a Link you can also give it a URL (web address) and for a Document you can also click on Browse to select a file to upload. Click Save to save this Item or Cancel to start over.


Editing a Group or an Item

To edit a Group or an Item, click on the pencil icon next to the appropriate Group or Item.



This will allow you to make changes to the Group or Item as well as delete it. Once you have made any changes, be sure to click on Save. Click on Delete to delete the Group or Item.


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